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Twas 2 Days Before Xmas or Thank you SQLFamily

Twas 2 days before Xmas & all through the office,
not a creature was stirring not even old Maurice.
With merriment going on outside of his window
There sat a bearded DBA without much to do

No changes can be made through the holiday season
We’re on skeleton support, which is a good reason
Ensure you are making the most of your time
You mustn’t be wasting the company dime

The backups are checked, there isn’t an issue
So documentation writing should ensue
Instead he decided to procrastinate
And so, this little ditty he proceeded to create

Looking back over last year he did ruminate
About all the progress he had made, it was great
So much had been learned, so many improvements
Derived using content from fine ladies and gents

Impossible to estimate how much it would cost
Or calculate the amount of revenue lost
For all that he would have been unable to do
Or the times that he knew how to get out of a stew

But also the friends old, new and the rest
The talking and dining and drinking and jest
I am lucky to be a part of the SQL Family
So thank you one and all, with love from me


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