Starting My Azure SQL Server VMs with PowerShell

The last post about Launching Azure VMs with PowerShell made someone ask me to explain how I start my Azure VMs normally so here goes.

When I decide to write a blog post or develop and test a script or run through demos from a presentation or blog post I fire up my Azure Virtual machines with PowerShell. This is how I do it

Open PowerShell and check that I am connected to my default subscription by running Get-AzureSubscription

Note – You must have installed Windows Azure PowerShell and installed the PublishSettingsFile or used Add-AzureAccount for your subscription following the steps here

Then I run the following three Cmdlets


Get-AzureVM shows me the VMs associated with that subscription.

I then pipe to Start-AzureVM as I want to start both machines. If I only wanted one I would check that

Get-AzureVM -name Fade2Black -ServiceName TheBestBeard

returned the correct machine and then pipe that to Start-AzureVM

Once the VMs have started I use Get-AzureRemoteDesktopFile giving a local path for the rdp file and specifying –Launch to run the RDP session


and away we go πŸ™‚

Once I have finished simply run


and my machines are stopped and no longer running my credit down.

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