PowerShell Pester Testing for Parameter Validation

This error caught me out. I am putting this post here firstly to remind me if I do it again adn also to help others who may hit the same issue.

Today I am rewriting a function to create a Hyper-V VM so that I can properly script the creation of my labs for demos and other things. I am doing this because I want to use DSC to create an availability group and want to be able to tear down and recreate the machines (but thats for another day)

I also have been looking at Pester which is a framework for running unit tests within PowerShell

You will find some good blog posts about starting with Pester here

Here is the start of the function. I validate the VMName parameter to ensure that there a VM with that  name does not already exist

function Create-HyperVMFromBase { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,HelpMessage=“Enter a VMName for the VM that does not exist”)] [ValidateScript({(!(Get-VM -Name $_))})] [string]$VMName,

and my Pester test looks like this

$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", “.”) . {’$here$sut'}

Describe “Create Hyper V from Base Tests” { Context “Parameter Values,Validations and Errors” { It exists { test-path function:\create-hypervmfrombase | should be $true } It “Should error when VMName exists” { $VMName = (Get-VM|Select -First 1 Name).Name create-hypervmfrombase -VMName $VMName |should throw }

I thought that what I was testing was that the function threw an error when an incorrect parameter was passed. The should throw should be true but what I got was

pester error3

So I was getting the correct error but not passing the test. It was a simple fix. Simply adding curly braces around the call to the function

$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", “.”) . “$here$sut” Describe “Create Hyper V from Base Tests” { Context “Parameter Values,Validations and Errors” { It exists { test-path function:\create-hypervmfrombase | should be $true } It “Should error when VMName exists” { $VMName = (Get-VM|Select -First 1 Name).Name {create-hypervmfrombase -VMName $VMName} |should throw } } }

and we pass the test.

pester success2

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