Shows the Instances and the Port Numbers on a SQL Server
This function will show the Instances and the Port Numbers on a SQL Server using WMI
The Server Name
Get-SQLInstancesPort Fade2Black
This will display the instances and the port numbers on the server Fade2Black
AUTHOR: Rob Sewell sqldbawithabeard.com
DATE: 22/04/2015
function Get-SQLInstancesPort {
param ([string]$Server)
$mc = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer $Server
$Instances = $mc.ServerInstances
foreach ($Instance in $Instances) {
$port = @{Name = "Port"; Expression = {$_.ServerProtocols['Tcp'].IPAddresses['IPAll'].IPAddressProperties['TcpPort'].Value}}
$Parent = @{Name = "Parent"; Expression = {$_.Parent.Name}}
$Instance|Select $Parent, Name, $Port