Displaying the Windows Event Log with PowerShell

I’ll start by saying this is a bit of a cheat. PowerShell has a perfectly good cmdlet called Get-EventLog and plenty of ways to use it

# NAME: Show-EventLog.ps1
# AUTHOR: Rob Sewell http://newsqldbawiththebeard.wordpress.com
# DATE:06/08/2013
# COMMENTS: Load function for Showing the windows event logs on a server
# ————————————————————————
# Define a server an event log the number of events and display
# pipe to this and then to out-gridview to only show Errors -      where {$_.    entryType -match "Error"}

Function Show-EventLog ($Server, $log, $Latest) {

    Get-EventLog  -computername $server -log $log -newest $latest |     Out-GridView
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