Creating SQL Server Database with PowerShell

This morning I have been setting up my Azure Servers in preparation for my presentation to the Cardiff SQL User Group this month.

I used my scripts from My Post on Spinning Up Azure SQL Boxes to create two servers and then I wanted to create some databases

I decided it was time to write a Create-Database function using a number of scripts that I have used to create individual databases.


Whilst finalising the function I didn’t quite get it right sometimes and was faced with an error.


Not the most useful of errors to troubleshoot. The issue could be anywhere in the script

You can view the last errors PowerShell has shown using $Errors. This gives you the last 500 errors but you can see the last error by using $Error[0] if you pipe it to Format-List you can get a more detailed error message so I added a try catch to the function which gave me an error message I could resolve.


Much better. The problem was

Cannot create file ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\.LDF’ because it already exists.

Mistyping a variable has caused this. Creating an empty file name variable which then threw the error the second(and third,fourth fifth) times I ran the script but this error pointed me to it.

Creating Database

There are a vast number of variables you can set when creating a database. I decided to set File Sizes, File Growth Sizes, Max File Sizes and Recovery Model. I only set Server and Database Name as mandatory parameters and gave the other parameters default values


We take the parameters for file sizes in MB and set them to KB


Then set the default file locations. Create a database object, a Primary file group object and add the file group object to the database object


Add a User File Group for User objects


Create a database file on the primary file group using the variables set earlier


Do the same for the user file and then create a Log File


Set the Recovery Model and create the database and then set the user file group as the default


Finally catch the errors


It can then be called as follows



or by setting all the parameters

Create-Database -Server Fade2black -DBName DatabaseTest -SysFileSize 10 -UserFileSize 15 -LogFileSize 20 -UserFileGrowth 7 -UserFileMaxSize 150 -LogFileGrowth 8 -LogFileMaxSize 250 -DBRecModel FULL


This means that I can easily and quickly set up several databases of different types and sizes

The script can be found here

#############################################################################    ################
# NAME: Create-Database.ps1
# AUTHOR: Rob Sewell
# DATE:08/09/2013
# COMMENTS: Load function for creating a database
#           Only Server and DB Name are mandatory the rest will be set to     small defaults
# USAGE:  Create-Database -Server Fade2black -DBName Test35 -SysFileSize 10     -UserFileSize 15 -LogFileSize 20
# -UserFileGrowth 7 -UserFileMaxSize 150 -LogFileGrowth 8 -LogFileMaxSize     250 -DBRecModel FULL
# ————————————————————————

Function Create-Database {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String]$Server ,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$SysFileSize = 5,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$UserFileSize = 25,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$LogFileSize = 25,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$UserFileGrowth = 5,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$UserFileMaxSize = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$LogFileGrowth = 5,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $LogFileMaxSize = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String]$DBRecModel = 'FULL'

    try {
        # Set server object
        $srv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server')     $server
        $DB = $srv.Databases[$DBName]
        # Define the variables
        # Set the file sizes (sizes are in KB, so multiply here to MB)
        $SysFileSize = [double]($SysFileSize * 1024.0)
        $UserFileSize = [double] ($UserFileSize * 1024.0)
        $LogFileSize = [double] ($LogFileSize * 1024.0)
        $UserFileGrowth = [double] ($UserFileGrowth * 1024.0)
        $UserFileMaxSize = [double] ($UserFileMaxSize * 1024.0)
        $LogFileGrowth = [double] ($LogFileGrowth * 1024.0)
        $LogFileMaxSize = [double] ($LogFileMaxSize * 1024.0)

        Write-Output "Creating database: $DBName"
        # Set the Default File Locations
        $DefaultDataLoc = $srv.Settings.DefaultFile
        $DefaultLogLoc = $srv.Settings.DefaultLog
        # If these are not set, then use the location of the master db mdf/    ldf
        if ($DefaultDataLoc.Length -EQ 0) {$DefaultDataLoc = $srv.    Information.MasterDBPath}
        if ($DefaultLogLoc.Length -EQ 0) {$DefaultLogLoc = $srv.Information.    MasterDBLogPath}
        # new database object
        $DB = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database')     ($srv, $DBName)
        # new filegroup object
        $PrimaryFG = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.    FileGroup') ($DB, 'PRIMARY')
        # Add the filegroup object to the database object
        $DB.FileGroups.Add($PrimaryFG )
        # Best practice is to separate the system objects from the user     objects.
        # So create a seperate User File Group
        $UserFG = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.    FileGroup') ($DB, 'UserFG')
        # Create the database files
        # First, create a data file on the primary filegroup.
        $SystemFileName = $DBName + "_System"
        $SysFile = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.    DataFile') ($PrimaryFG , $SystemFileName)
        $SysFile.FileName = $DefaultDataLoc + $SystemFileName + ".MDF"
        $SysFile.Size = $SysFileSize
        $SysFile.GrowthType = "None"
        $SysFile.IsPrimaryFile = 'True'
        # Now create the data file for the user objects
        $UserFileName = $DBName + "_User"
        $UserFile = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.    Datafile') ($UserFG, $UserFileName)
        $UserFile.FileName = $DefaultDataLoc + $UserFileName + ".NDF"
        $UserFile.Size = $UserFileSize
        $UserFile.GrowthType = "KB"
        $UserFile.Growth = $UserFileGrowth
        $UserFile.MaxSize = $UserFileMaxSize
        # Create a log file for this database
        $LogFileName = $DBName + "_Log"
        $LogFile = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.LogFile')     ($DB, $LogFileName)
        $LogFile.FileName = $DefaultLogLoc + $LogFileName + ".LDF"
        $LogFile.Size = $LogFileSize
        $LogFile.GrowthType = "KB"
        $LogFile.Growth = $LogFileGrowth
        $LogFile.MaxSize = $LogFileMaxSize
        #Set the Recovery Model
        $DB.RecoveryModel = $DBRecModel
        #Create the database
        #Make the user filegroup the default
        $UserFG = $DB.FileGroups['UserFG']
        $UserFG.IsDefault = $true

        Write-Output " $DBName Created"
        Write-Output "System File"
        $SysFile| Select Name, FileName, Size, MaxSize, GrowthType|     Format-List
        Write-Output "User File"
        $UserFile| Select Name, FileName, Size, MaxSize, GrowthType, Growth|     Format-List
        Write-Output "LogFile"
        $LogFile| Select Name, FileName, Size, MaxSize, GrowthType, Growth|     Format-List
        Write-Output "Recovery Model"

    Catch {
        $error[0] | fl * -force
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