Azure Data Studio
Jupyter Notebooks
SQL Server
VS Code
Data Saturdays
Dev Containers
Azure DevOps
Source Control
Power Bi
Example Category
When WSL DNS fails you

Changing to Upper Case in VS Code

How to download terraform providers

dbachecks v3 at Data Saturday Oslo

The DBA in a hybrid environment: Elevate Your Skills with Jess Pomfret and Rob Sewell in Oslo

Email Subject - Congratulations On Your MVP Award - #MVPBuzz

Troubleshooting Teams sounds

SQLBits 2023 in Newport - A beards viewpoint

SQLBits Agenda and PowerShell, displaying and searching

#NewStarNovember - Being a mentor

#NewStarNovember - Getting into Speaking - It was fatherjack and SQLBits

How to import dbatools from a zip file from the GitHub release into Azure Automation Modules without an error

How Do You Show Keystrokes On Screen

Kubernetes lab certificates expired

GitHub Action Workflow Protected branch update failed

Creating A Training Day Speakers List with GitHub Action from a GitHub Issue

Training Day Speakers List

GitHub Pages in Dev Containers and Codespaces

Quickly Creating Test Users in SQL Server using dbatools

Azure DevOps Pipeline Template Job Names and single quotes

What does JS_InvalidFilePath error mean in Azure DevOps?

Deploying a Bicep Module from a private repository without a connection to the repository

When you REALLY want to see your Azure DevOps Secret Variable Values

How to deploy an Azure Arc Enabled SQL Managed Instance in AKS

Invalid Template Deployment with my Bicep

Flexing My Bicep - Reusable code with modules for deploying an Azure SQL Server

Flexing My Bicep - Deploy an Azure SQL Database -Intro to Azure Bicep IaC

Viewing GitHub Pages Locally With a Remote Theme

TSQL2sDay - Do I use Notebooks?

Viewing GitHub Pages Locally For Data Saturdays

Creating a New Data Saturdays event

Microsoft Values The Community

Tooling for TSql2sDay

Using PowerShell to Automate StreamLabs OBS and Show Your Webcam in PowerPoint

#tsql2sday #130 - Automate your stress away - Getting more SSIS Agent Job information

The first page with GitHub Pages
Creating Azure SQL Database AAD Contained Database Users with an SPN using PowerShell, Secrets Management, Azure Key Vault, and dbatools

Notifying a Teams Channel of a SQL Agent Job result

Sending a SQL Agent Job results overview to a Microsoft Teams Channel

Using Secret Management module to run SSMS, VS Code and Azure Data Studio as another user

Good Bye Import-CliXML – Use the Secrets Management module for your labs and demos

Surprised and Honoured and Proud
Running Jupyter Notebooks as Agent Jobs

Use Jupyter Notebooks to Help People on StackOverFlow

.NET PowerShell Notebooks – Using Pester

New .NET Notebooks are here – PowerShell 7 notebooks are here.

How to fork a GitHub repository and contribute to an open source project

Fixing the Failed to generate the compressed file for module dotnet.exe error when deploying to the PowerShell Gallery using Azure DevOps

Dynamically Creating Azure Data Studio Notebooks with PowerShell for an Incident Response Index Notebook

Create a PowerShell Notebook for Azure Data Studio with PowerShell
Create Azure Data Studio SQL Notebooks with PowerShell
My current VS Code Extensions and using a workspace file

PowerShell Notebooks in Azure Data Studio

Getting SQL Server installation date with PowerShell using dbatools

MEAP MEAP – #dbatoolsMoL – Live Book edition
PowerShell in SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio

Azure SQL Linux VM – configuring SQL, installing pwsh and connecting and interacting with dbatools

Using the same Azure DevOps build steps for Terraform with different Pipelines with Task Groups to build an Azure Linux SQL VM

Using Azure DevOps Build Pipeline Templates with Terraform to build an AKS cluster

Building Azure SQL Db with Terraform using Azure DevOps

Building Azure SQL Db with Terraform with Visual Studio Code

Adding a Folder of Scripts to GitHub with Azure Data Studio
Adding a Folder of Scripts to GitHub
How to break a SQL 2019 container on my laptop
Generating a Workload against AdventureWorks with PowerShell

Persisting databases with named volumes on Windows with docker compose

Whats a SQL Notebook in Azure Data Studio?

#TSQL2sDay – NomNomNomNomNom

#DataInDevon – Getting up to speed with PowerShell or spend a day with one of four other MVPs :-)
Using Docker to run Integration Tests for dbachecks
Running Windows and Linux SQL Containers together
Getting SQL Services, Starting, Stopping and Restarting them with dbatools
SQL Server Availability Group FailoverDetection Utility PowerShell Function Improvements – Named Instances, Archiving Data, Speed
Gathering all the Logs and Running the Availability Group Failover Detection Utility with PowerShell
Getting the SQL Version from a backup using dbatools ………. on PowerShell Core
PASS Summit, SQLTrain and My First US SQL Saturday
PASS Summit, SQLTrain and My First US SQL Saturday
Checking Trace Flags with dbachecks, online docs and PSPowerHour
Deploying To a Power Bi Report Server with PowerShell
Using the PowerShell AST to find a ForEach Method

Hitting the Wall – #TSQL2sDay

A PowerShell Conference In A Book

A PowerShell Pester Check for parsing SQL scripts
dbachecks – Dark Mode Historical Validation PowerBi

dbachecks – Save the results to a database for historical reporting

dbachecks – Improved Descriptions

dbachecks – Which Configuration Item For Which Check ?

Creating SQL Server Containers for versions 2012-2017
Visual Studio Code Live Sharing Set-Up

#tsql2sday – Giving Back – Reprise

Version Update, Code Signing and publishing to the PowerShell Gallery with VSTS

Professional and Proficient PowerShell: From Writing Scripts to Developing Solutions at PASS Summit
Checking Availability Groups with dbachecks

Easily Splatting PowerShell with VS Code

dbachecks – Configuration Deep Dive

Announcing dbachecks – Configurable PowerShell Validation For Your SQL Instances

VS Code – Terminal crashes when formatting script

How I created using Flow, Azure SQL DB, Cognitive Services & PowerBi
How to write a PowerShell function to use Confirm, Verbose and WhatIf

How to run a PowerShell script file with Verbose, Confirm or WhatIf

Pester 4.2.0 has a Because…… because :-)

Using the AST in Pester for dbachecks

Converting a Datarow to a JSON object with PowerShell
Handling Missing Instances when Looping with Pester
2 Ways to Loop through collections in Pester
2 Ways to Loop through collections in Pester
Write Your first Pester Test Today
TSQL2sDay – Folks Who Have Made a Difference
Comparing Agent Jobs across Availability Group Replicas with PowerShell
Using Plaster To Create a New PowerShell Module
dbatools with SQL on Docker and running SQL queries
A Pretty PowerBi Pester Results Template File
#TSQL2sDay – Get-PostRoundup
#TSQL2sDay – Starting Out with PowerShell
Automatically updating the version number in a PowerShell Module – How I do regex
#TSQL2sday #94 Lets get all Posh!
PSDay.UK Tickets are on sale
Using PowerShell to check if your password has been in a breach
Presentation Nerves
I Hate Interviews – TSQL2sDay

Announcing PSDay.UK – Whats a PSDay?
Writing Dynamic and Random Tests Cases for Pester
Using Get-SQLDiagFix to get information from the SQL Server Diagnostic API with PowerShell
Creating a PowerShell Module and TDD for Get-SQLDiagRecommendations
PowerShell Module for the SQL Server Diagnostics API – 1st Command Get-SQLDiagRecommendations
VSCode – PowerShell extension 1.4.0 new command Out-CurrentFile
dbatools at #SQLSatDublin
VS Code – Automatic Dynamic PowerShell Help
Pester for Presentations – Ensuring it goes ok
Pester Test Inception and the Show Parameter
PowerShell Function – Validating a Parameter Depending On A Previous Parameter’s Value

Setting the default file type for a new file in VS Code
Using Twitter with VS Code
Why VS Code Increases my Productivity
Why Volunteer at SQLBits ?
Export SQL User Permissions to T-SQL script using PowerShell and dbatools
Testing SQL Server Access to a share with PowerShell using dbatools
Testing the Identity Column usage in SQL Server with PowerShell and dbatools
Using Pester with Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb from dbatools
Getting SQLServers Last Known Good DBCC Checkdb with PowerShell and dbatools
Test the SQL Server database collation with PowerShell and dbatools
Max Length of a column in a DataTable in PowerShell
Getting SQL Server File Sizes and Space Used with dbatools
Test your Sqlserver backups on Linux with PowerShell and dbatools
Using Pester with dbatools Test-DbaLastBackup
Taking dbatools Test-DbaLastBackup a little further
Backing up SQL Server on Linux using Ola Hallengrens Maintenance Solution
Testing Your SQL Server Backups the Easy Way with PowerShell & dbatools
Restoring an entire SQL Server user databases with PowerShell using dbatools
Adding a PowerShell Job Step to an existing SQL Agent Job Step with PowerShell
VS Code PowerShell Snippets
Quickly Creating Test Users in SQL Server with PowerShell using the sqlserver module and dbatools

SQL VNext sp_configure on Windows and Linux with dbatools
Adding a T-SQL Job Step to a SQL Agent Job with PowerShell
Altering a Job Step on Hundreds of SQL Servers with PowerShell

Using the PowerShell SQL Provider with SQL Authentication
A Whole Day of PowerShell and SQL – Join Chrissy LeMaire & I at #sqlsatvienna
Running SQL Queries with Visual Studio Code
2016 - That was a Year :-)
Deploying a Windows Data Science Virtual Machine to Azure with PowerShell easily

Enabling Cortana for dbareports PowerBi

Speaking? You? Go on. #tsql2sday #84
PowerBi and API – Visualising my Checkins

PSConfAsia 2016
PowerShell, Pester and Ola Hallengrens Maintenance Solution

The SQL Server Community Collaborative GitHub Organisation is born

Converting SQL Agent Job Duration to TimeSpan using PowerShell

Making Start-Demo work with multi-line commands without a backtick

Remove-SQLDatabaseSafely My First Contribution to DBATools
Using the new SQLServer Powershell module to get SQL Agent Job Information

PowerShell CMDLets added for SQL2016 Always Encrypted
Some Pester Tests for SQL Defaults
DBA Database scripts are on Github

A Day In The Life of a SQLBits Volunteer

Using PowerShell to set Extended Events Sessions to AutoStart
Backing up to URL container name – case is important
PowerShell Pester Testing for Parameter Validation
PowerShell Pester – The script failed due to call depth overflow.

Power Bi, PowerShell and SQL Agent Jobs
Populating My DBA Database for Power Bi with PowerShell - Databases
Enterprise Strategies - A #TSQL2sDay post
Populating My DBA Database for Power Bi with PowerShell - SQL Info
Use Twitter to get #PowerShell help
Populating My DBA Database for Power Bi with PowerShell - Server Info
Using Power Bi with my DBA Database
Setting Up and Using Azure VM SQL Automated Backup (and Restore)
Installing and upgrading default scripts automation - part one - Introduction
Scheduling Ola Hallengrens Maintenance Solution Default Jobs with PowerShell
Spinach and Database Development- SQLSatExeter Keynote
Instances and Ports with PowerShell
Checking SQL Server User Role Membership with PowerShell
PowerShelling SQL Saturday Sessions to the Guidebook app
Parsing XML Child Nodes and Converting to DateTime with PowerShell
Speaking at PowerShell Virtual Chapter and SQL Cardiff User Group this month
Triggering a System Center Configuration Manager deployment task
Show AutoGrowth Events with PowerShell to CSV
Uploading a Source Folder to Azure File Storage
Twas 2 Days Before Xmas or Thank you SQLFamily

Giving Back – #TSQL2sday
Making a Change Log Easier With PowerShell
A look at the SQL Assessment Intelligence Pack in Operational Insights

Changing Delay Between Responses for SQL Alerts with Powershell
#tsql2sday #60 – Something New Learned – Problem Step Recorder
Generating T-SQL Randomly with Powershell
Emailing Disk Space Alerting With Powershell

Number of VLFs and Autogrowth Settings Colour Coded to Excel with PowerShell

PowerShell Snippets A Great Learning Tool

Find Out Which Indexes are on which Filegroups using PowerShell And How To Find Other Information

Refreshing Availability Group Database with PowerShell

Refreshing A SQL Mirrored Database Using Powershell
Enable CLR with Powershell

Listing the SQL Server SysAdmins With PowerShell

How I Check Hundreds of SQL Agent Jobs in 60 Seconds with Powershell

Rationalisation of Database with Powershell and T-SQL part two

Rationalisation of Database with Powershell and T-SQL part one

Why You Should Visit the Sponsors at #SQLSatExeter and Other Community Events
Viewing SQL Endpoint Permissions with PowerShell

Using PowerShell to get Azure Endpoint Ports
Dropping All Tables From A SQL Database with PowerShell

Starting My Azure SQL Server VMs with PowerShell
What Runs on the SQL Server when you run a PowerShell script?–Question from #SQLRelay
SQL Saturday Exeter–What’s the Point? My Experience of 2013 SQLSatExeter
#TSQL2sDay Why My Head is Always in The Cloud
Launching Azure VM After Starting With PowerShell
Searching for Installed Windows Update With PowerShell
Show Windows Updates Locally With PowerShell
Finding Text In All Files In A Folder With PowerShell
The PowerShell Box Of Tricks GUI

Add User to SQL Server Database Role with PowerShell and Quickly Creating Test Users
Creating SQL User and adding to Server Role with PowerShell
Creating a Windows User and adding to a SQL Server Role with PowerShell
Displaying the Windows Event Log with PowerShell
Showing and Killing SQL Server Processes with PowerShell
Show The Last Backups On A Server with PowerShell
Checking For A Database Backup with PowerShell
Searching the SQL Error Log with PowerShell
Reading Todays SQL Error Log With PowerShell
List Databases (and Properties) on SQL Server with PowerShell
Dropping SQL Users with PowerShell
Creating SQL Server Database with PowerShell
Alter SQL Mirroring Endpoint Owner with Powershell
Using PowerShell to find a database amongst hundreds
Checking Drive Sizes with PowerShell
SQL Server Operators and Notifications with Powershell – Strange Enumerate issue fixed by @napalmgram
SQL login object permissions via PowerShell
Checking SQL Server User Role Membership with PowerShell
SQL Express Migration Auto Close Setting

Checking for SQL Server logins with PowerShell
sp_BlitzIndexâ„¢ ouput to Excel with Powershell
Powershell can read email & insert excel file attachment into a SQL Database
Checking SQL Error Logs, Event Logs and Stopping Services with Powershell
Add Adventure Works Database to Windows Azure VM
Lessons Learnt from my first talk at SQL SouthWest
Spinning up and shutting down Windows Azure Lab with Powershell
Documenting SQL Server the easy way with Power Doc
Powershell won’t save when running as a scheduled job
12 Things I learnt at SQLBits XI
Those Pesky ‘s
You Have To Start Somewhere